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Ligurija, Italija

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When deciding whether to become a Host on Airbnb in Italy, it is important for you to understand the laws in your region or city. As a platform and online marketplace we do not provide legal advice, but we want to provide resources that may help you better understand applicable laws and regulations. This list is not exhaustive, but it may give you a good start in understanding your local laws.

There are three requirements for the Liguria region that are applicable, whether you are a professional Host or an individual, to tourist rentals with contracts not exceeding 30 days—Minimum structural requirements, Notification of rental (CO-AAUT, i.e. Comunicazione di locazione di alloggi turistici di tipo Appartamenti ammobiliati a uso turistico, and CITRA code (Codice Identificativo Turistico Regionale per gli Appartamenti ammobiliati ad uso turistico). Visit the Italy national page for more resources to understand the national laws in your country.

Note: The Liguria region does not consider the possibility of leasing your accommodation for tourism purposes for a period longer than 30 days. In order to do so, we suggest you set up an extra-hotel accommodation facility (ex: holiday homes and apartments i.e. CAV, guesthouses, etc.) with which you can also offer related additional services (ex: breakfast).

Minimum structural requirements

In order to rent your accommodation for tourist purposes, you must ensure that the minimum requirements set out in the specific table (“AAUT table” available here by clicking pdf) for the classification of furnished apartments for tourist use (appartamenti ammobiliati a uso turistico aka AAUT) are met:

  • requirements of the first section (telephone number of the owner; cleanliness in the apartments; assistance for maintenance work);
  • facilities and equipment (running water in all the apartments; a private bathroom for every six beds; mandatory heating in accordance with municipal ordinances; equipment in the apartments, for the kitchen and in the private bathrooms).

Please keep in mind that you can rent no more than three apartments within the region for tourism purposes, always respecting the 30-day duration limit.

Notification of rental (CO-AAUT)

In order to rent your accommodation, you must make a notification of a new rental of an apartment for tourist use (AAUT) through the Ross 1000 digital platform.

To do so, you can access the “Webform section” (“sezione Webform) with SPID i.e. Sistema Pubblico di Identità Digitale, CIE (i.e. Carta d’Identità Elettronica), or CNS( i.e. Carta Nazionale dei Servizi). 

You must fill in the form within the platform by entering your data and some property data (ex: planimetry, cadastral data) as well as declaring the conformity of the electrical, gas, and heating installations.

Find an example here of the communication form containing the information you must submit.

CITRA code

After sending the communication in requirement 2 through the platform, the region automatically registers your apartment(s) and assigns you the “CITRA code.”

The code is released with its publication in the CO-AAUT form, which you will be able to display and download from the “Anagrafica section” (“sezione Anagrafica”) of Ross 1000.

You must publish the CITRA code:

  • on the home page of websites and/or pages of social platforms, in an appropriate space or otherwise in view;
  • in the title or in the description of advertising, promotional and commercial material produced, directly or indirectly, through any form of intermediary by means of written, printed or other media;
  • in specific fields or by publishing the image of the code or in the text of the title and/or description of the property in advertising, promotion and marketing initiatives carried out through online channels.

Otherwise, you may incur an administrative fine of €500 to €3,000.

Once you have received the CITRA code, remember to contact the police station or police headquarters (Commissariato or Questura) in your area to communicate the general information of your guests for public safety purposes (more info on the national responsible hosting page.

Reporting tourist data

The collection of tourist flows in furnished apartments is not yet active. 

Difference between tourist rentals and extra-hotel accommodation facilities

Keep in mind that tourist rental, in the form of furnished apartments for tourist use, is different from extra-hotel accommodation facilities (such as holiday homes and apartments (CAVs), guesthouses, etc.) for which the regional regulations require numerous other obligations (ex: CIA; classification etc.). 

You will have to use an extra-hotel accommodation structure in the Liguria region if you want to rent your property for a period longer than 30 days.

City regulations

Select a location below to read info that specifically applies to your city. If your city isn't listed, refer to the general tax info for cities in Italy.

Finale Ligure


More resources to help you host

Airbnb isn’t responsible for the reliability or correctness of the information contained in any links to third party sites (including any links to legislation and regulations).

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