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Odgovorna skrb za goste v Algheru (Italija)

Register with the local government

In order to rent your accommodation in Alghero, you must send a notification of short-term rental to the local government.

To register:

  • Download and fill out the form
  • Digitally sign the form or attach a scan of your ID 
  • Send the form either by PEC or email to protocollosecal@pec.it.

Please keep in mind that when you send this form, you will be asked for your access credentials to the Stay Tour portal, which you will need to use to manage the tourist tax obligations.

AlloggiatiWeb credentials

In order to comply with your obligation to report tourist data, you will need to request access credentials to the Alloggiati web portal.

Fill out this form with all required information and send it to alloggiatiweb.ss@poliziadistato.it.

Tourist Tax Collection

Airbnb will collect and remit Tourist Taxes in all municipalities that impose a Tourist Tax on behalf of short term rental bookings. Learn more about Tourist Tax Collection in Italy.

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